Sunday, June 27, 2010

Haus at 2

My BabY is 2!!! Last week we had Haus a friend bday party at a farm (Schows farm, thanks again). Then that night we had all of our family come over to celebrate with you. Just a few things about you:

love love your big brother

love farm animals and when you see them you yell what they are and what they say

you went to your first movie "hotel of dogs" and you did awesome

love your papas

loves your blanket and binki you call them ankee and inki

chase the birds all the time in the backyard

sleep great

eat anything and everything, for example for breakfeast youll eat 2 waffles, snack sandwich, lunch bowl or two of noodles, then what ever we have cooked for dinner and then we always give you a snack right before bed. Yes you are a big eater!!

love elmo

you didnt start walking until 19 months

love tools

love helping daddy

follow daddy around as soon as he comes home

I still think your a mamas boy

you always like someone to be by you

becoming a great swimmer

love to climb

play in the dirt

talk really good and we love when you say ALRIGHT

I just took your bottle away about 6 weeks ago and Im pretty sure Im having a hard time then you are, sorry thats what happens when your the youngest mom doesnt want you to grow up

love Doc the dog

give the biggest dirty looks ive really ever seen

started to sleep with brother in his big kid bed a few weeks ago but you take your naps in moms bed which are usually from 12 to 330

love candy and pop and you only want the brown pop

love to throw Doc your toys out the window

very very easy in the way that your LAZY you are more content sitting on my lap if we are somewhere then running around and I love it

love love attention

tell me when your about to poop so YES we think its time to potty train

love balls

hold your own with your brother when you guys wrestle, you can kind of be a mean little bean.

your a great sharer

All and all I just love that I got to be your mom. I knew what you looked like before you came because I had a dream about you the night before I found out you were a boy. I know you were sent her to make me be better and to be Warrens best friend. I love your calm little personality and I love how you make our family better, Happy Birthday budda


Mandy said...

Happy Birthday sweet little Haus! Aunt Mandy thinks you are the cutest thing in the world and I love to steal kisses from you :)

Natalie said...

He is so cute and so sweet! Hope he had a great birthday!