Sunday, October 13, 2013

Flag football & Haus' FIRST day of KINDERGATEN

This was the first and maybe last year of flag football. I put the boys on the same team and I have to say that was pretty great. But the boys just really arent into it.

Top: Warren at age 7 3/4 and Haus at 5 1/4

This cute boy started a week late.  We sent him to Kids Village for his 3 year of preschool and it was great but it just never felt right.  So after lots of tears from mom not sleeping because it was haunting me  we finaly went against everything everyone said and sent him.  He loves it and Im so glad I have no idea why i never felt ok about preschool I just never did.  What boggled my mind was I wanted him to do preschool.  We are still considering putting him in 2 years of preschool just so he is the oldest but will talk about that in the spring.
I took him the night before and he picked out a Skylander backpack.  He insisted on wearing the shirt to match.  He told me when he got home that everyone LOVED his shirt and backpack.

Walking to school with Jay Nuttal he lives around the block and is already in Kindergarten.  Then with Maddix his best friend in the whole world!

Haus I dont know if Ill ever explain to you how you have such a place in my heart you came to this family and blessed us in so many ways.  You were such an easy toddler and made it so easy for mom.  You came during a time when mom was very sick and you made having you easy.  Youve always been such a giving selfless child, always always want to please everyone and always think of everyone before yourself.  your  funny, absolutley loving and PERFECT
Standing in front of the door.  Its the first door its 101. In Haus's exact words.

Miss Hunter
School Spirit Day on FRIDAYS