Sunday, October 7, 2012

Warrens 1st day of Kindergarten

Warren was sooooo excited to go to school. I was excited for him but my heart hurt knowing he would be gone all day. Mrs. Stenvenson is his teacher and we couldnt be more pleased. He was really struggling at first with his testing but we have figured it out that his gets so anxious and nervous that he just fails it. 6 weeks into school he has been excelling by leaps and bounds. He tested in reading recovery at the first of the year, as of know the RR teacher cant say enough positive about him. I go in on Mondays to help in his class and I love being in there to see whats going on. We have tried to invite his friends in his class home. Conrad, Luke, Cameron, Ryder, Kayson, Hayden, Haden. Oh ya he tells me at lunch that him, Cameron Merryweateher, Luke Southam and Haden Stucki set by each other and share chips.