Sunday, October 7, 2012


Effie at 6 months: Weight 19lbs 13oz ( she lost some ounces since crawling/scooting) 94% Length 27 1/2 in 93% Head 17.5 in 93% She is scooting everywhere!! She eats baby food for breakfeast and lunch, she like banana's, pears, squash, prunes, sweet potatoes. Hates grean beans and peas like she chokes on it. She is very dramatic. She LOVES LOVES toys. She loves Texas Road House Rolls. Loves stroller rides. Loves playing on the ground with her toys. Puts everything in her mouth. Laughs all the time. In size 5 diaper. In size 12-18 month clothes. Loves mirrors. Loves to be outside.

 I can never get this girl to sleep in my arms but Jackson does ALL the time.
 top: Heading to the PG pool. bottom: Effie LOVES to be carried like this.  The only thing is she is freaking heavy on my neck.


natalie christensen said...

I love all of her pictures you have taken. Too cute!