Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Warren at 6 yrs and 4 months

He is loving school

His best friends at school Carter, Kayson, Ryder and Cameron. Out of school is Cash Laycock

He is way into anything with outdoors expecailly Bear Grills and Swamp People

Loves eating peanut butter and honey sandwiches for lunch, breakfeast is sausage, bacon, mini wheats or pancakes, dinner is salmon, steak, asparagus, really any vegetable or meat

I love how he is always looking out for his brother

loves wild krats

loves to play hunting

awesome reader

loves loves numbers

add and subtract

learning to tell time

Jacksons shadow

loves his uncle Cody

loves to have grandma B read to him

knows all of his site words

loves his black blanket

cant wait for his baby sister to come

talks about getting his eagle scout award all the time

loves to play upstairs

never lets us forget about nightly or dinner pray

loves to help with family home evening

cant wait to turn 16 so he can get a flat bed truck ( lovely )

loves to take the dog on walks in the foot hills

lost his first tooth

loves to go swimming

very good a sticking to rules

I love love you and grateful for your strong personality and your an amazing example to me, Jackson and Haus

Haus 3 yrs and 8 months

Loves to play and follow Warren around

loves vegetables

loves loves candy like me

loves fries

loves rootbeer

loves papa James and grandma B

has me wrapped around his finger

loves preschool

knows how to count to 15

knows how to write his name

can idnetify some of the alphabet

amazing at coloring

knows all colors

knows all shapes

calls himself Robin Hood or Pudding Head

Loves Me


loves attention

still way way easy but is starting to be a little defiant

loves Elmo, shawn the sheep, word world and Timmy Time

loves to play hunting guy and farm

you always inform us when your in the car and your dying to get home you say NEVVVER NEVVER going to get home, its pretty cute


His best friend is Maddix

still has his binki for naps and bedtime

he always tell us he'll share his binkis with his baby sister

you still say your legs are not working when you dont want to do something

takes a nap about 4 times a week there about 2-3 hrs

bedtime is 8 to 8

We love ya


Cherie Burton said...

Sweetest blog post ever!!!!!!!!!